’’Lança o teu futuro’’ ideas contest - Artificial Intelligence Workshop with Gustavo Martins
’’Lança o teu futuro’’ ideas contest - Artificial Intelligence Workshop with Gustavo Martins
O VougaPark está nomeado para a edição deste ano dos IAPMEI dos European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA), uma iniciativa da Comissão Europeia que visa distinguir boas práticas de promoção do empreendedorismo na Europa.
O Vougapark vai dinamizar mais uma edição do Concurso de Ideias “Lança o teu Futuro!” dirigido aos alunos das escolas do ensino secundário/profissional do Agrupamento de Escolas de Sever do Vouga e Escola Profissional de Aveiro.
In view of the new scenario we are facing, VougaPark worked on establishing a new partnership with AWS (Amazon Web Services) in order to strengthen the digital transition and deepen the business models of startups.
VougaPark partnered with ANPME - National Association of SMEs, in partnership with Facebook, to promote a series of training actions - Boost with Facebook - with the aim of providing entrepreneurs with more tools in the use of social networks .
The Portuguese Government has just launched a set of support and measures to support startups affected by the current pandemic, for a total of 25 million euros.
The Ideas Contest “Launch your future!” of Vougapark closed on January 16 at VougaPark.
The results of the questionnaire for listening to the training needs of the region, carried out at the beginning of the year, aimed at VougaPark companies, have already been compiled.
VougaPark was one of the 4 finalists of the national phase in the Best Incubator / Accelerator Program category within the scope of the South Europe Startup Awards, a competition that includes countries such as Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Greece, Cyprus and Malta.
VougaPark was present at the XIII Iberian Meeting of Portuguese and Spanish Science and Technology Parks, which took place on the 21st and 22nd of November.
At the end of September, the Manual for new incubators was launched, which was developed in partnership with some incubators from the National Incubator Network.