Survey of training needs in the region

Survey of training needs in the region


The results of the questionnaire for listening to the training needs of the region, carried out at the beginning of the year, aimed at companies from VougaPark and Sever do Vouga, as well as future entrepreneurs and other possible stakeholders in the region, have already been compiled.

The results demonstrate a set of strategic areas and themes to be addressed in future Workshops, Seminars and Conferences to be promoted at Vougapark.

From the survey carried out, it appears that, at a macro level, of all strategic areas, the one with the greatest interest is Finance and Management. Then, it turns out that the areas of: Marketing, HR and Coaching, and Innovation Management are also strategic and relevant, but to a lesser extent.

Bearing in mind that the study shows that the theme Portugal2020 Incentives brings together the greatest number of stakeholders, and that Financial Management also appears as one of the priorities, the next actions to take place in the first months of the year will already be designed to meet these needs.

Then, it was found that it will be important to invest in the following themes: Human Resources Management and Leadership; How to enhance a brand; Digital marketing; Project management; and Industry 4.0; and Markets and Internationalization.

It is also important to show the interest shown in training in the area of ??First Aid and Basic Life Support, which were suggested in the survey by VougaPark companies, so we are currently considering the search for partners to carry out an action of this kind. at VougaPark.